Treppenkantenschutzsystem zum Anklemmen
direkt ab Werk


Protecting stairs can be a challenging task as stair sizes can vary considerably. All our clamp on stair edge protection solutions is equipped with unique telescopic handrails /link bars. It means you don’t need to cut traditional tubes to the required size.
APAC provides temporary edge protection for stairs, stair landings, and other hazardous areas during your building construction site. Contact our representative for more details.


Main Components of Clamp on Stair Edge Protection System

stair edge protection clamps

Stair Clamp

The Stair Clamp is used as a clamp for edge protection on stairs. By using this clamp, the process of drilling holes can be eliminated when installing edge protection.


Sicherheitsposten 1,2 m

The Edge Protection Safety Post is integrated with two latch pins for locking the link bar in position. This design allows you not to use additional mesh barrier clips.


Verstellbarer Handlauf mit Verbindungsstange

Die verstellbaren Handläufe sind in zwei verschiedenen Größen erhältlich, 0,9 m–1,5 m und 1,5 m–2,5 m, und passen somit zu Öffnungen von 0,9 m bis 2,5 m.

Warum Uns Wählen

Experience Unmatched Edge Protection with Our 3D Drawing Service

In today’s world, having a robust edge protection system is crucial for ensuring the safety of individuals working at heights. To help visualize and create the perfect edge protection system for your project, our cutting-edge 3D drawing service can make all the difference.
With our 3D drawing service, we can provide you with a virtual representation of your edge protection system, allowing you to see exactly how it will look and function in real life. This service takes the guesswork out of designing your edge protection system and ensures that the final product meets your exact specifications.


Customize Stair Edge Protection Systems are Available

APAC specially designed the stair clamp for the staircase. You can easily mount our stair clamp to a staircase, and the stair clamp can provide a strong grip to secure itself to the stairs.
Once the stair clamp is fitted, you can install the stair safety post and handrails. The Stair clamp has a Mechanical Clamp for fast adjustment. The maximum spacing of two stair clamps is 2.5m, which meets all applicable OSHA, ANSI, Und EN 13374 standards.
Stair Safety posts help to meet the stringent health and safety regulations imposed on construction sites, which require the installation of a protective stair barrier for works carried out at height. Each post is made from a 48mm round section and is connected to the stair clamps using pins or integrated pins.

clamp on stairway edge protection systems
APAC Treppenkantenschutz

Save Your Labor and Costs

APAC Clamp on Stair edge protection system has been designed with workers’ safety in mind. The system has been designed with ease of installation and removal of the system in mind and is a significant improvement on the traditional stair handrail system.
Our Clamp on Stair Edge Protection system allows easy access during construction. By installing a clamped temporary edge protection system on the stairs, contractors can save valuable man-hours for employees climbing ladders.
Buying an APAC clamp on edge protection system can avoid expensive rental costs and improve your bottom line. Instead of paying monthly rent, you can save time and money by adding our temporary stairway edge protection system to your bid.


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