direkt ab Werk

Safedge Sheet Pile Clamp Edge Protection System

APAC Safedge Sheet Pile Mesh Barrier edge protection is specifically designed for sheet piles and is intended to protect construction workers.
  • Conform to EN 13374 Standards
  • Hot-dip galvanize surface treatment
  • Prevent falls from height into excavations
  • Fits most types of sheet piles on the market
  • Easy to install, adjustable clamps

Main Components of Safedge Sheet Pile Clamp Edge Protection System


Sheet Pile Clamp

The base component of the sheet pile clamp edge protection system. The sheet pile clamp is adjustable to fit all standard sheet pile sizes and is impact set for quick application.


Sicherheitsposten 1,2 m

Der Kantenschutzpfosten ist mit zwei Verriegelungsstiften zur Fixierung des Gitters ausgestattet. Dadurch können Sie auf zusätzliche Gitterclips verzichten.

Edge Protection Extension Post

Extension Post 0.6m

You can extend the height of the Safedge Bolt Down edge protection system by up to 1.8 m with the extension posts.

Kantenschutzgitter 1,3 m

Maschenbarriere 1,3 m

Safedge-Sicherheitsgitter sind Systemschutzbarrieren mit Gitterfüllung. Sie können Safedge-Gitterbarrieren an Ihre Anforderungen an den Seitenschutz anpassen.

Kantenschutz 1,3 m Verlängerung Maschendrahtbarriere

Extension Mesh Barrier 1.3m

Extension mesh barrier 1.3m is always used together with mesh barrier 1.3m. Allows the fixing by Safedge Extension Post’s lock mechanism.

Kantenschutzgitter 2,6 m

Maschenbarriere 2,6 m

Safedge Safety Mesh Barrier 2.6m integrates a frame, infill mesh, and toe board. Design ensures that the system exceeds many safety standards such as EN13374.

Kantenschutz 2.6m Erweiterung Mesh Barrier

Extension Mesh Barrier 2.6m

You can extend the height of the mesh barrier edge protection system up to 1.8 m by using the 2.6m extensions mesh barrier.

Warum Uns Wählen

Profitieren Sie von unseren erfolgsorientierten OEM/ODM-Lösungen


Physisches Design

Durch den Einsatz fortschrittlicher CAD-Renderings sind wir in der Lage, die Systeme Ihren Anforderungen entsprechend zu gestalten.



Feuerverzinken, Kaltverzinken, Lackieren oder Mattieren, reiche Auswahl an Oberflächenverfahren für Sie.


Vielseitige Komponenten

Wir erstellen vielseitige Komponenten, die den spezifischen Projektanforderungen verschiedener Anwendungsszenarien gerecht werden.


Optionale Verpackung

Umfangreiche optionale Verpackungsmuster, mit denen Sie die Markenbekanntheit steigern und die Marktpräsenz stärken können.

Warum Uns Wählen

Kundenspezifische Kantenschutzsysteme sind verfügbar

Customized Edge Protection Systems are available to meet specific project requirements. The APAC has a pool of professional engineers who specialize in designing and tailoring edge protection solutions to suit various construction projects.

Professional engineers in the APAC region possess the necessary expertise and experience to evaluate site conditions, analyze structural requirements, and develop customized designs for edge protection systems.

The availability of professional engineers in the APAC region ensures that clients have access to expert guidance and support throughout the customization process. Their knowledge and skills contribute to the successful implementation of customized edge protection systems that are tailored to suit the unique requirements of each project.

If you have specific inquiries or require further information regarding the customization of edge protection systems in the APAC region, please let me know, and I will be glad to assist you.

We understand the importance of reliable and on-time delivery service, and we strive to provide a trustworthy solution for all your delivery needs. Here’s why you can trust us:

  • Timely Deliveries: We prioritize punctuality and are committed to delivering your goods on time.
  • Real-Time Tracking: We offer a transparent and real-time tracking system that allows you to monitor the progress of your deliveries. With this feature, you can stay informed about the status of your shipment at every step of the journey.
  • Excellent Customer Service: Our dedicated customer service team is available to assist you throughout the delivery process. From providing updates to addressing any concerns or inquiries, we are committed to ensuring your satisfaction and peace of mind.
  • Reputation and Reliability: We have built a reputation for reliability and trustworthiness in the industry. Our track record of successful deliveries and satisfied customers is a testament to our commitment to providing exceptional service.

Pünktlicher Lieferservice, dem Sie vertrauen können

Kantenschutzsystem Lieferung Verpackung

General Application For Edge Protection Systems

APAC-Kantenschutzsysteme sorgen für ein neues Maß an Sicherheit auf mehrstöckigen Baustellen in Großbritannien, Kanada, Australien, Neuseeland und auf der ganzen Welt.


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