On Nov. 12, 2021, APAC successfully sent out some Edge Protection Stair Clamps to one of our clients in Australia. APAC Stair clamps are used on staircases, in conjunction with posts and adjustable ledgers or APAC’s mesh barriers, to provide the temporary edge...
We are pleased to announce that on 14 April 2021, we delivered four containers of the APAC Safedge Bolt Down Temporary Edge Protection Systems for the GS E&C T301 project in Singapore. Historically, falls have been the leading cause of fatal accidents in the construction...
Today Jan .26, 2021, we continually sent out some components for APAC TG Edge Protection Systems, such as TG Foot, TG Post, TG Edge Bracket, and some Size 4 (3.2m-4.88m) Acrow Shoring Props. APAC TG Edge Protection Systems are widely used in high-rise...
We are pleased to announce that on 4 December 2020, we successfully dispatched a container of TG Bolt Down Temporary Edge Protection Systems to the Philippines. APAC’s TG Bolt Down Temporary Edge Protection Systems are the most versatile, high-quality Temporary Edge Protection Systems...
Aloitimme juuri 14. lokakuuta 2020 laatan tartuntareunasuojausjärjestelmämme sisäiset testaukset Ontarion asetuksen 213/91 rakennusprojektien vaatimusten mukaisesti. Ontarion asetuksen 213/91 rakennushankkeisiin liittyvien vaatimusten mukaisesti. Top Railin tulee kestää A pistekuorma 450...
When installed on the manufacturer’s guidelines, Edge Protection Systems offers a secure working environment for people working at height. Mesh barrier systems like APAC concrete edge protection systems have come to be a default for some builders, but others within the sector are...
Viime sunnuntaina, 15. lokakuuta 2019, APAC suoritti talon sisäisen testin yhdelle reunasuojausjärjestelmällemme – Parapet Guardrail -järjestelmille varmistaakseen, ovatko reunasuojajärjestelmämme Australian standardin AS/NZS 4994.1 mukaisia. Tulos osoittaa, että järjestelmämme on täysin...
Today we share a case of 2019, where in April 2019 we completed the loading of the temporary edge protection systems into a container that will be shipped to the customer in Auckland, NZ. This order contains temporary edge protection systems for site...
Jan.18, 2019, We finished the production process of our edge protection systems for one of our clients in New Zealand and will deliver them to the site in New Zealand on time by the sea. Main Features of this TG Bolt Down Edge...