For the past 7 years, APAC has been providing temporary edge protection systems to the construction industry to create a safer work site to protect construction workers.
Surprisingly, many people in the construction industry are still unaware of the solutions available. So what are “temporary edge protection systems in construction”?
The EPS, a single authority for this industry, describes it as ‘Temporary edge protection systems are used in construction work, primarily to prevent persons and objects from falling to a lower level from working surfaces (sloped or flat).’
Mesh guard Systems, Net guard Systems, Counterweight Systems, Curtain Protection Systems, and Tubular temporary edge protection systems are the most common solutions. So it’s important to choose the right edge protection systems for each project.
EN-13374 is the European standard for temporary edge protection systems and is divided into 3 classes, Class A, Class B, and Class C, based on applicability to flat and sloping surfaces.
APAC Safege Bolt Down Temporary Edge Protection Systems conform to EN-13374, Class A.
Incorporating guardrail, toe board, and mesh panel infills in one. This solution provides a high containment performance and improves operator safety.
Our Safedge Bolt Down temporary edge protection system has only three components, the socket base, the safety post, and the mesh barrier. They can be easily installed by one worker within minutes.
APAC Mesh panels for our temporary edge protection systems are supposed to be easy to install due to they do not need specialist skills but provide a good appearance to a project site.
APAC Temporary edge protection systems are widely used for most construction projects with our various slab attachments. If you just have the requirements for your worksite safety, please feel free to contact our sales representatives.
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