Fall protection is an important part of construction safety. In fact, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has said that falls are the leading cause of death on construction sites. On any construction site, the most important thing you can do for yourself is to pay attention to safety. Not only will you be protecting yourself from the dangers of OSHA violations, but you’ll protect those around you as well. Here are some tips that will help you navigate through your construction site in a safe and cautious way.
Fall Protection Training
Construction work involves many inherent risks and hazards. Workers must be properly trained, whether they are new to the industry or seasoned professionals. In order to comply with legislation, you need to provide your workers with fall protection training on an annual basis, regardless of their tenure on the job. Training is required by law and should be provided by a qualified professional.
The most important thing for employers is to understand the legal requirements for fall protection on construction sites. It’s also important to remember that it’s never too late—or too early—to train employees on how best to use this equipment. This training should take place before any job starts so everyone understands their role in preventing accidents at heights, as well as how to best avoid those accidents through good practices such as double-checking your equipment before using it on site and wearing it properly every day when you’re working up high (or down low).
The fall protection training must include how to use personal fall arrest systems and guardrail systems as well as how to install them properly. It must also cover the proper procedures for installing different types of restraint devices (e.g., safety nets)
Fall Protection Equipment
Fall protection is a serious concern for construction workers, who work at heights. In addition to being trained in fall protection techniques, it is also important that they use appropriate equipment in order to be safe. Fall protection equipment must be provided by law, as part of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). The OHSA requires all employers to ensure that their workplaces are safe and healthy for employees. This includes protecting workers from falls by using fall protection gear such as harnesses and lanyards. In addition, employers must provide training on how to properly use these devices so that employees know how best to protect themselves against injury or death when working at elevated locations such as scaffolding or rooftops; if an accident occurs due to improper usage then this could lead an employer being fined heavily under Section 25(1) of the OHSA which states: “No person shall carry out any work unless every other reasonable precaution that might prevent bodily injury has been taken.”
Fall protection is the use of a number of different types of equipment in order to keep workers safe from falling. For example, a harness that attaches workers to an anchor point may be used to ensure that people do not fall more than six feet. In many cases, these devices can help prevent serious injuries and even death if they’re used correctly.
A personal fall protection system (PFPS) is a safety system designed to keep workers from falling over four feet from the ground. PFPSs are often made up of a full-body harness, shock-absorbing lanyard, and scaffolding or a safety net.
Using Edge Protection System
An edge protection system is a safety system designed to keep workers from falling off of edges like roofs and high-rise buildings. Edge protection systems are often made up of safety posts, toe boards, and edge protection barriers.
Edge Protection Systems are used on construction sites to provide fall protection for workers who climb on scaffolding or work at heights greater than four feet above the ground. These systems must be installed according to OSHA standards so that they can protect employees from falls that may cause serious injury or death when using them properly.
If you’re working at heights, remember to focus on what you’re doing at all times. Don’t let your guard down by underestimating your surroundings. Be sure to familiarize yourself with all the necessary safety procedures, and don’t take any shortcuts. It’s a better idea to take an extra few minutes to secure equipment than it is to risk injury and even death on the job.
And as a professional contractor, it’s important to know how to protect yourself and your workers from potentially dangerous falls. If your employee is new to working at heights on construction sites, it’s important to get the proper training as well as fall protection equipment so that everyone stays safe!
APAC is a professional manufacturer of edge protection systems, if you have any questions about this, don’t hesitate to contact us!